Saturday, February 9, 2013

Justina shares her Bioslife Slim story

Shared by Justina:)

Without Bios Life Slim, I believe I would be still in my size 3XL. After giving birth to my son on march 2010, I've never been slim. Even if I do, I will gain back double after I eat back my 2-3 meals. My friends used to call me sexy babe or mei nu before I had my son. But after the birth, these 2 callings seem to be MIA ( missing in action ).

Old folk said FAT(肥) is FU (福), but not anymore in this century. Some friends suggested me to try slimming centre & I went one with my sis. I was quoted about $10K after the service staff measured my fats, water, weight and height. ( Guess i must have lot of fats to burn & much to tone).

Some introduce me to take another brand of slimming products which cost about $2800 for 3 months. Wow! the price really shocked me, I rather choose not to enjoy too much good food or eat lesser to get slim & use this money to pamper my family for a short trip getaway.

I'm very glad that I found Bios Life Slim, not only the product blessed me with a new SLIM shape,  but also good health in lowering bad LDL cholesterol, increase in good HDL cholesterol, help in balancing glucose & NO SIDE EFFECT.

How much did I pay for Bioslife Slim? 5% compared to the slimming centre. Isn't it better than to go slimming centre and pay a 5 digit number or pay a few thousand for the other slimming product?

Now I am still in my progress of getting slim and at the same time,  I still enjoy eating my 3 meals a day. Thanks to our scientists that created the Bios Life Slim bringing the positive results to the plus size ladies like me, but aso helped alot of diabetics patients in reducing/ balancing their glucose in their body.

You have to try Bioslife Slim to feel and see your own result.

In Malaysia, please call / whatsapp Kraal at +60122837979 or if you are in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines or Thailand, please email to regain your shape, health and confidence in just 3 months.

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