Monday, January 5, 2009

Slim Bodies, Fat Wallets

This Thursday Jan 8th, Lim Eng Hai from Singapore will be presenting " Slim Bodies, Fat Wallets " at Jalan Tandang, PJ.

Lim Eng Hai is an international speaker, often travelling around Asia, to share his passion, knowledge, skills and experience, to help many people realise their physical and financial health challenges.

If you can invest 60 mins from your busy schedule, this presentation could make your life better. especially in an uncertain economy.

The presentaion will centre around the newly launched Bioslife Slim product and the Franchise opportunity. To preview the product or business, you can visit and

5 types of people are suitable to attend this presentaion -

- Those who want to lose a few inches before Valentines Day, or
- those who want to manage their cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes without drugs, or
- those above 30 who are stressed, lack exercise and don't eat healthily or
- those who want to earn some extra money part-time or
- those who are looking for a global franchise would be suitable to attend this presentation.

Limited seats only, so if you plan to come, please do tell me so I can reserve you a seat and enough free gifts.

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