Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bioslife Complete is now Bioslife C - new packing
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Do you have Metabolic Syndrome

Bioslife Slim Body Shaping Results

If you really want a slimmer body by Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day, then drink your Bioslife Slim twice daily 10 minutes before your meals.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Bioslife Slim helps Diabetics lower blood sugar levels
Most diabetics struggle with weight loss, and in a lot of cases, it is the weight that caused the diabetes in the first place.
If you are looking to help out your high sugar levels and need to loose weight at the same time, you'll love the Bios Life Slim solution.
Bios Life Slim is a fat loss regimen that actually helps to slow down the release of glucose into your bloodstream, thereby making your body require less insulin. During this process, your body will also go into a heightened state of fat burning, making it easier to lose weight and putting less stress on your body. There are other benefits from Bioslife Slim, some of which are explored below.
You can actually use the Bios Slim Life to help prevent diabetes in the first place. Part of the Bios Life formula helps to reduce the amount of triglycerides in your system. If you have high levels of this in your bloodstream, you could be at risk of developing heart attacks, stroke, and of course diabetes.
By consuming Bios Life Slim, you can lower your bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and weight and raise your good HDL cholesterol, all at the same time. This makes for a great start for someone looking to avoid diabetes altogether.
Fat reduction is the main purpose of this program, but the built in Bios Life Slim diabetes potential benefits certainly comes with its advantages.
Losing weight while you're diabetic is highly beneficial though, because it can help avoid your symptoms getting any worse. Plus, the Bios Life Slim drink is made to help people curb their appetites, meaning that you will be less tempted to over-eat or snack between meals. Bios Life Slim sends signals to your brain that prevent cravings from occurring.
Bios Life Slim is patented, clinically tested, natural and is listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference 2010 - the reference book used by 95% of all Doctors and Pharmacists in USA.
If you are interested in seeing how the Bios Life Slim formula will work for you, all it takes is a simple call to +60122837979 or email to get a box of Bioslife Slim.
Enter the Bios Life 90 day Slim Challenge so that you can earn money while you lose belly fat and stored fat, and improve your diabetes. You can healthy manage your blood glucose levels at the same time reduce your risk of complications from diabetes.
Invest your health today at just RM 398 for a month's supply of Bioslife Slim box of 60 sachets. Or get 3 months supply at just RM 1074 or 6 months supply at just RM 1704.
If you are looking for Franchising Opportunities in 26 countries, I will be happy to talk to you.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Winnie lost 27 inches and 13.3kg in 3 months while enjoying her favourite Malaysian food
Start: 15 June 2010
Weight 74.5
Waist 35
Biological age 55
Weight 72.6
Waist 34.5
Biological age 53
Inches lost 8.9
Weight 66.3
Waist 32.2
Biological age 49
Inches lost 18.4
Weight 61.2
Waist 29.9
Biological age 44
Inches lost 27.0
Weight 13.3 kg
Waist 5.1 inches
Total inches 27.0 inches
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bioslife Slim Contest (inches) Losers win Big Money
Imagine you want to lose some inches, and the only 3 conditions are
1) drink your Bioslife Slim twice daily 10 minutes before your 2 biggest meals.
2) go get your before and after measurements.
3) collect your checque for US$3,000 or US$7,500 or even US$15,000
How would you feel? How do you think these 8 winners felt when they got their cheques and the applause of 10,000 associates from Asia, at the recently concluded Thailand mid-year recognition event held on Sept 4th at the Impact Convention Centre?
The 90-day challenge is still on in Malaysia and Singapore. Lose big and win RM1,200, RM800 or RM600 and win back your confidence with a brand new look, just in time for Christmas and Chinese New Year.
It's time to drink your Bioslife Slim today and regain back your health.
Call me now at +6 0122837979 or email for the best investment you will ever make for yourself, your parents and your children.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Linda easily lost 2 inches from her belly by drinking Bioslife Slim
At 52 years young. Lay Tin easily lost 2 inches from her belly, just by drinking Bioslife Slim twice daily 10 mins before her meals. Losing body fat has never been easier and it works whether you are 7 years old or 70 years young!.
Mrs Singappore 2009 Bioslife Slim results
Shalina, Mrs Singapore Universe 2009, used Bioslife Slim for 3 months and lost 4 inches from her waist and 9kg.
Read her story below:-
It will soon be Hari Raya, then Deepavali, Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year. Are you ready to gain your confidence by losing some inches and gaining back your shape?
Invest in Bioslife Slim today and Look Better, Feel Better and Live Better, while still enjoying your breakfast, lunch and dinner!.
No starving, not a meal replacement, not a dietary weight loss program, not a fad diet. No cravings or weakness or stimulants.
Just drink your Bioslife Slim 10 minutes before your meals and in 2 weeks, you can see and feel the difference in flattening your tummy, arms, thighs and hips.
Email me or call to order your confidence and regain your shape.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
One Rule One Product Bioslife Slim - to turn your body into a fat-burning machine
There is only 1 Rule and 1 Product for permanent fat-loss and to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Forget the yo-yo diet, exercise, meal replacement, starving, food cravings and feeling weak, when you can enjoy 3 meals daily, yet lose body fat permanently.
One Rule - 4-4-12
4 hours minimum between breakfast and lunch, 4 hours minimum between lunch and dinner and maximum of 12 hours between dinner and breakfast the next day.
One Product - Bioslife Slim
Bioslife Slim is the only patented, natural, clinically proven orange drink, that will burn inches off your body safely, easily and maintain healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure within 90 days - guaranteed!.
Bioslife Slim is one of the 11 products from Unicity International, USA, listed in the 2010 Physician's Desk Reference - the reference guide book used by 95% of doctors and pharmacists to recommend products to their patients.
Take the 90 day challenge and win RM1,200 / 800 / 600 in Malaysia or SGD 1,000 / 800 / 600 in Singapore.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Repairing your auto in Los Angeles
This is a paid review
If you stay around the Los Angeles area and own an automobile, you must visit this site to get the best information and deals on where to go, and how to keep your auto in tip top running condition.
If you are unsure as to what needs to be serviced, repaired or replaced, then a visit to this site will get you all the answers you need, so that you don't get cheated and the estimates for your service or repair bill could be kept to the minimum.
When it's time to buy a new or used auto, a visit to this site can get you all the information you need on the common problems and repair costs of the autos that interest you.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bioslife Slim helped Serena lose and win
Bioslife Slim helped Serena lose inches and win big in our Get Slim Quarterly contest.
In 3 months, lose over 11 inches from your neck, arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs and you too can be a winner!.
In Malaysia, you could win RM 1,200, 800 or 600 worth of Unicity Products and in Singapore SGD 1,000, 750,500 for the top 3 inches losers.
If you start today, there is hope that by Christmas and New Year, you could be slimmer, more beautiful and get that special outfit for the year end celebrations.
No more dieting, exercise, starving, meal replacements and feeling hungry and tired all the time. Bioslife Slim is your answer you have been looking for.
Are you ready to take the Bios Life Slim 90 day challenge today?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My friend lost 6 inches from her tummy
Losing inches is easy, if you know how. And it's not from dieting, starving, skipping meals, vigourous exercise or boring meal replacements.
My friend lost 7kg and 6 inches from her tummy in just 3 months - just drinking her Bioslife Slim twice a day just before enjoying real delicious Malaysian food for her lunch and dinner.
Bioslife Slim is the only patented, clinically proven orange flavoured fibre drink, that is proven to maintain healthy cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and help teach your body to become a fat burning rather than a fat storing machine.
Bioslife Slim is one of the 11 products made by Unicity International, USA that is listed in the Physician's Desk Reference 2010 - the reference book used by 95% of all Doctors and Pharmacists in USA.
Christmas and the New Year is coming and yes there is hope that you can look better and feel better. It's time for Bioslife Slim, the only drink before meals, that can burn off inches fast!.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Generation X becoming Generation XL
Bioslife Slim vs the Traditional Approaches to Fat-Loss
Bioslife Slim is a different approach to fat-loss and a different way of thinking about your body. Other products and approaches force your body to behave unnaturally. They give you the jitters or make you feel tired or hungry all the time. Other approaches are things you do to your body. Bioslife Slim works with your body.
Most of us would rather die than diet
Flip through the channels on TV, open a newspaper, glance at a magazine cover, go into a bookstore - you are bombarded by dozens if not hundreds of advertisements, articles, commercials and programs - all telling us how to lose weight.
It's exhausting. Like being in a room where everyone is yelling. We cannot hear a thing. We don't know who to listen to anymore.
Your body is trying to tell you something
Your body knows how to lose weight and does not want to be fat. It wants to have energy, be attractive and be respected.
You do not need another diet program; you need to help your body to do better what is already good at. A diet is something you force upon yourself with willpower. It may have some temporary effect, but after a while, your willpower weakens and you gain even more fat.
Your body is a system. Every day it cleanses itself inside and out, it products and stores energy and everyday your body is busy building and repairing itself.
Imagine if you could just help your body to do better, what is already doing. Imagine if you could enhance your body's natural system.
Bioslife Slim is the first step on the path to long term fat loss and this time, your body agrees!
Real Results in Realistic Time
Drinking Bioslife Slim 2 or 3 times a day before your meals, trains your body to burn away excess fat forever - without the jitters or feeling tired and hungry all the time - resulting in a slimmer, more active and more attractive you.
Most people want to lose weight based on 2 important factors - the desire to look better and to improve health.
If you have been trying to lose weight, its time for a better strategy. It's time to forget about your weight and target your size by losing's time for Bioslife Slim.
Improving health: Generation X is becoming Generation XL
A tape measure is the better predictor of your overall health, than your bathroom scale. Your waist size is an accurate indicator of your risk of heart disease and stroke.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that women who carried more fat in their tummy region were at a higher risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and insulin resistance - all risk factors for heart disease.
A Danish study published in Circulation shows that a woman is nearly 5 times more likely to die of heart disease if she had a large waist.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a waistline larger than 40 inches for men and 34 inches for women signals significant risk of heart disease and diabetes.
A study by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research found that a large waist size can triple the risk of dementia. Now you know why you keep forgetting lots of things and people's names!.
Fat storage or Fat burning machine?
With Bioslife Slim, you are training your body to burn fat, not store it. It usually takes about 3 months for this process to turn your body from a fat storage machine to a fat burning machine. Most Bioslife Slim users begin feeling better within days and report looking better in less than 30 days.
Call or email me to get your Bioslife Slim today and watch your inches disappear, in time for some special event, Hari Raya, Deepavali or Christmas!.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Youtube 1 minute videos on Fad Diets and the Bioslife Franchise
Forget the Fad diets, get the real thing with Bioslife Slim - the only patented,
safe, natural and clinically proven drink to burn off fat and inches permanently.
The Bioslife Franchise can make you real money. Low risk high return with real products and real results - guaranteed!
I retail both Bioslife and Bioslife Slim in 26 countries and I am looking for 2 to 3 committed and dedicated people in each country, who would like to be a Franchisee and Franchisor of these safe, patented, natural and clinically-proven wellness products from Unicity International, USA.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
5 tips for reducing women's risk of heart disease
Here’s a fact that you may not have known: 1 out of every 3 women die of heart disease.
Heart disease is still the leading cause of death around the nation, killing more people than all other causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. In fact, women are up to 6 times as likely to die from heart disease as breast cancer.
The most common symptom of a heart attack is always some sort of pain, pressure or discomfort felt in the chest. However, a woman with a high-risk of heart disease, the “most common symptom” is not always the most prominent symptom.
Symptoms more specific to women, are:
* Shortness of Breath
* Nausea or vomiting
* Sweating
* Unusual Fatigue
* Dizziness
* Discomfort in the neck, shoulder, upper back or abdominal region
Traditional heart disease risk factors specifically playing a bigger role in women are metabolic syndrome, mental stress and depression, smoking, and low levels of estrogen. If you experience any of the symptoms or are at high risk, call for emergency help immediately. Do not drive to the hospital on your own!
So what can a woman do to reduce their risk of heart disease? Here are 5 quick tips:
1. Stay aware
Always stay aware of your symptoms and risk factors, and always be prepared by knowing what hospitals are around you, and which hospital your insurance allows.
2. Talk with your doctor
Keeping an open communication with your hospital or family physician is important. Schedule an appointment with your physician to better understand your own personal heart disease risk.
3. Quit Smoking
Smoking is more damaging to the body in women than in men. Not only does it increase your risk of heart disease, it also brings many more risks along with it. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the country, yet 140,000 women die from smoking relatd causes each year.
4. Exercise
Staying out of the hospital can become more of a reality if you exercise 3 to 5 times a week. Studies have shown that proper exercising and physicial activity can significantly lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. Walking 10 minutes daily rather than back breaking exercise once or twice a week has greater health benefits.
5. Diet properly
Obesity is a major cause of heart disease. Work with a nutrition or ask your physician about how to eat for a healthier heart.
An excellent way is to take your Bioslife Slim twice a day. Each serving of Bioslife Slim contains 3 grams of 5 different soluble and insoluble fibers from Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Gum Arabic,apple pectin and oats, Sunflower and Soyabean Phytosterols, Sugarcane Policosanol and chrysanthemum morifolium
Bioslife Slim can burn off your body fat, reduce your triglycerides and homocystein levels, increase your good HDL cholesterol, reduce your bad LDL cholesterol, and maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels within 8 weeks.
If you do not know your cholesterol or blood sugar numbers yet, please go get a blood test immediately, as this is the first line of defence against heart disease and stroke. Some people know they are already at risk due to diet and lifestyle, so they just get on to the Bioslife Slim just for the shaping benefits too.
Get Slim and take your Bioslife Slim today!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Beer Belly, Flabby Tummy, Love Handles, Shapeless
Friday, April 16, 2010
Bioslife Slim big winners from USA

Some Bios Life Slim contest winners from USA. If you seriously want to lose belly fat, inches from stubborn places, excess body fat or want to shape your body, Bioslife Slim is your answer.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Bioslife Slim - 6 mechanisms to being Slim
1. Bios Life Slim™ Reduces Your Appetite
Bios Life Slim contains a patented fiber matrix that forms a soft gel solution in your stomach. This creates a feeling of ‘fullness’ which reduces your appetite and prevents overeating. When taken before a meal, this also slows absorption of the food you eat. This simple concept is helping people feel full sooner and eat less.
“I think the most signifi cant thing about Bios Life Slim—besides the wonderful weight loss—is the fact that I don’t have those evening cravings. Being able to eat a modest dinner and then not thinking about food is just amazing to me.”
Jennifer Birge, MS, RD, CDE - Registered Dietitian/Diabetes Educator
2. Bios Life Slim Absorbs and Removes Fat
The patented fiber matrix found in Bios Life Slim binds with the fat from the food you eat. This reduces the amount of fat being absorbed by your body – and safely removes it from your system.
“My 15 year old son decreased his body fat from 36% to 18%.”
Richard Jordan
3. Bios Life Slim Promotes Your Body’s Fat Burning Ability
Taking Bios life Slim before a meal slows the rate glucose is released into your bloodstream, which reduces the amount of insulin the body needs. With lower insulin levels your body enters a “Fat Burning Zone” that allows you to burn the fat stored in your fat cells.
“Being able to reduce body size, reduce blood lipids, and reduce blood glucose…Bios Life Slim is a complete package for my patients with diabetes.”
Judy Gilman, RN, FNP-BC, CDE - Family Nurse Practitioner/Diabetes Educator
4. Bios Life Slim Decreases Leptin Resistance
Leptin is one of the communication links between your fat cells and your brain. When working properly, the brain stops craving food when it senses adequate leptin in the body. After taking Bios Life Slim regularly your fat cells and brain begin to communicate again, reducing cravings and appetite, increasing energy and ultimately leading to fat loss.
“What makes Bios Life unique is its ability to lower leptin resistance. This is not found in any other product”.
William R. Work MD, ABFP, ABAARM - Family Medicine/Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
5. Bios Life Slim Lowers Your Triglycerides
Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. High triglyceride levels increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. Bios Life Slim has been clinically proven to reduce triglyceride levels by an average of 40 percent in just 60 days.
What’s more, recent studies indicate that high triglyceride levels can block leptin from reaching the brain. By reducing trilyceride levels, leptin is able to cross into the brain and your body then gets the signal to stop storing and to start burning fat.
6. Bios Life Slim Improves Your Cholesterol Levels
It is well known that high LDL or bad cholesterol and low HDL or good cholesterol increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. New research shows that high LDL levels also contribute to obesity and weight gain. On average, Bios Life reduces LDL 31% and increases HDL 29%.
Bios Life has been clinically proven to help restore and maintain healthy cholesterol levels 4 ways without adverse side effects:
1. Fiber helps block the re-absorption of cholesterol from the intestines
2. Plant sterols block the absorption of cholesterol from food
3. Policosanol reduces cholesterol production by the liver
4. Chrysanthemum enhances enzymatic breakdown and helps remove LDL cholesterol from the body
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bioslife Slim Ingredient List & Supplement Facts
Here is the Bioslife Slim Ingredient List and Supplement Facts -
Biosphere Fiber™ (Guar Gum, Gum Arabic, Locust Bean Gum, Citrus Pectin, Oat Fiber, Maltodextrin, Beta Glucan),
Unicity 7x™ (Proprietary blend of plant derived poloysaccharides,
Calcium Carbonate),
Bios Cardio Matrix™ (Phytosterols, Chrysanthemum Morifolium, Policosanol),
Bios Vitamin Complex™ (Beta Carotene, Biotin, Calcium Carbonate,
Folic Acid,
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin HCL),
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin),
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL),
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin),
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate),
Zinc Glucanate),
Orange Juice Powder,
Citric Acid.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bioslife Slim helped Louis the Maestro lose himself
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Bioslife Slim Quarter winners from Singapore

Some people are still so unsure, but others have taken the chance and seen the results. Bioslife Slim works and will certainly work for you.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Clinical Study Conducted on the Effects of Bios Life Slim Ingredients on Type 2 Diabetes
Last year, Dr. Peter Verdegem, Unicity Chief Science Officer, and Franchise Owners Dr. Isabel Martinez, MD, and Bobbi Horne, both from Blue Mesa Medical Associates in Katy, TX, presented the results from a clinical study conducted to study the effect of Biosphere Fiber on type 2 diabetes.
Biosphere Fiber, a component of Bios Life Slim, is comprised of a proprietary blend of Guar Gum, Gum Arabic, Locust Bean Gum, Citrus Pectin, Oat Fiber, Maltodextrin, and Beta Glucan.
The study was conducted on 34 patients who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. The study participants took Biosphere Fiber twice daily 15 to 20 minutes before meals. The study measured lipid and glucose levels at the start of the study, and then after 4 weeks, and again after 8 weeks.
The study concluded that after taking Biosphere Fiber for 8 weeks:
The study, entitled “Lipid and Glucose Optimization Using Phytonutrient Combination Therapy in Diabetics,” was presented at the American Heart Association Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Annual Conference held last year in Chicago. Continued following...
Lipid and glucose optimization using phytonutrient combination therapy in diabetes
Isabel Martinez, MD.1, Bobbi Horne1, Peter J.E. Verdegem, Ph.D., MBA21Blue Mesa Medical Associates, Katy, TX, 2Unicity International, Orem, UT.
Introduction: Dietary approaches to management of lipid and glucose parameters in diabetes is gaining popularity among patients. Monotherapy with dietary ingredients has shown positive effects, but with limited clinical relevance.
Our research focuses on using a phytonutrient combination in optimizing lipid and glucose parameters. All four ingredients have individual data supporting their use for optimizing lipoprotein fractions in hypercholesterolemia. This pilot study evaluates their combined efficacy in type-II diabetes.
Methods: A group of 34 subjects with established type-II diabetes and hypercholesterolemia added the product to their diet. The drink was taken thrice daily 15-20 minutes before meals. The fiber drink consists of viscous soluble fiber, minerals, vitamins, policosanol, phytosterols, and an aqueous Chrysanthemum morifolium extract. Lipid and glucose parameters were measured at baseline, 4 and 8 weeks.
BiosLife / BiosLife Slim, a phytonutrient combination drink, shows potential in optimizing parameters associated with cardio vascular disease risk in type-II diabetes. These findings are well in line with previously reported clinical results. The fiber component has reduced the post-prandial glucose levels and the resulting lower HbA1c levels indicate that BiosLife provides a natural option to improve diabetes management.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Questions on BiosLife Slim
Question: What is Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ is a revolutionary fat burning product; providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim™ helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.
Question: Who can drink Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ is derived from natural ingredients so it is safe for all ages—but is recommended for adults and teenagers who want to lose excess fat or prevent gaining additional fat. Diabetics can safely take this product if they monitor Blood Glucose Levels and work with their health practitioner to adjust their medications accordingly.
Question: Can a child drink Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: The natural ingredients of Bios Life Slim™ are good for any age group. More children are experiencing problems with weight and fat issues than ever before. Children six to twelve should consume only half servings of Bios Life Slim™. For children under six, we recommend you consult your pediatrician about adding Bios Life Slim™ to their diet.
Question: Can a pregnant or nursing woman drink Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: A pregnant or nursing woman should consult her physician about consuming a high fiber drink like Bios Life Slim.
Question: Can I drink Bios Life Slim™ with other Bios Life™ products?
Answer: Absolutely, all Bios Life™ products are classified as fiber-based dietary supplements. Combining Bios Life™ products will add more fiber to your diet and possibly enhance the functionality of the product.
Question: What ingredients in Bios Life Slim™ promote fat loss?
Answer: Biosphere Fiber™ and Unicity 7x™ (proprietary blends).
Question: How does Bios Life Slim™ work?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ contains proprietary ingredients that help your body naturally and safely reduce the amount of fat it stores. Bios Life Slim™ not only helps your body store less fat but also allows existing fat to be burned away—naturally. (no starving, no jitters, no stimulants). The discovery of Unicity 7x and other ingredients and how they work are proprietary information.
Question: When is the best time to drink Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: For best results, drink Bios Life Slim™ 10-15 minutes prior to meals. If you forget to drink Bios Life Slim™ before eating, drinking it with your meals will still provide some benefits.
Question: Can you drink Bios Life Slim™ with herbs or homeopathic products?
Answer: Yes. Bios Life Slim™ is considered a food.
Question: Can you drink Bios Life Slim™ with medication?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ is considered a food. If you have specific questions about your medication, ask your physician if it is acceptable to take your medication with a fiber drink.
Question: Can you drink Bios Life Slim™ with Lean Control; will it be as effective?
Answer: Yes, adding Lean Control to Bios Life Slim™ is one way to accelerate fat loss.
Question: Can you drink Bios Life Slim™ with alcoholic beverages?
Answer: We don’t recommend dissolving the packet contents in alcoholic beverages; however, the product is safe to drink before a meal where alcoholic beverages are consumed.
Question: Will Unicity International release Bios Life Slim™ in an unsweetened formulation?Answer: At this time, no other Bios Life Slim™ products have been announced.
Question: Should I cleanse my liver the whole time I am drinking Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: We recommend cleansing your liver on a regular basis at least quarterly. (using either SuperChlorophyll and/or Red Clover Plus )
Question: What kind of sweetener is in Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Sucralose.
Question: Why is there artificial sweetener in Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Sucralose is a good non-caloric sweetener for Bios Life products. Many products throughout the world use this sweetener. Sweeteners like sugar or fructose are unacceptable for many of our clients. Sucralose, a low-calorie sweetener, is the sweetening ingredient used worldwide in more than 4,000 food, beverage and nutritional products. The safety of sucralose has been confirmed by leading medical, scientific, and regulatory authorities around the world including; the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Joint (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization) Expert Committee on Food Additives, European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food, Health Canada, and Food Standards Australia/New Zealand. For more information about Sucralose visit,
Sucralose will not be absorbed by the body and as such has no effect on your blood sugar levels.
Question: Is Bios Life Slim™ considered a Kosher product?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ is Kosher certified by the KO Kosher certification service.
Question: What is the shelf life for Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: A recommended two year shelf life.
Question: What clinical studies are available on Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Five clinical studies (including placebo and double blind) have been completed. The results have been very impressive. These studies have not been published due to the confidential nature of the Unicity 7x™ blend.
Question: Should I continue drinking Bios Life Slim™ when I have achieved my fat loss goal?Answer: As with all Bios Life products, drinking them means making a lifestyle change. We recommend continuing the product even after goals have been achieved.
Question: How quickly can I see results with Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: It may take a full 90 days to balance your body’s ability to regulate fat. However, you will likely see fat loss within the first two to six weeks. Many experience benefits earlier.
Question: Most pharmaceutical drugs produce potentially dangerous side effects. What adverse side effects associated with Bios Life™ products?
Answer: There are no adverse side effects from Bios Life Slim™. In addition, Bios Life2® and Bios Life Complete, the base product for Bios Life Slim™, are listed in the Physicians Desk Reference - the reference guide used by over 90% of all doctors and pharmacists in USA.
Question: What stimulants are in Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ does not contain stimulants, so you will not feel hot or feel like your heart is beating hard.
Question: What are some of the other benefits of Bios Life Slim™?
Answer: Bios Life Slim™ contains all of the ingredients of Bios Life Complete, therefore, it also provides the following benefits:
- Reduced risk of colon cancer
- Increased energy
- Reduced glycemic index of foods you eat
- Improved cholesterol levels
- Balanced blood sugar
- Improved lipid profiles
- Regulated bowel function