Friday, May 28, 2010

Youtube 1 minute videos on Fad Diets and the Bioslife Franchise

Forget the Fad diets, get the real thing with Bioslife Slim - the only patented,

safe, natural and clinically proven drink to burn off fat and inches permanently.

The Bioslife Franchise can make you real money. Low risk high return with real products and real results - guaranteed!

I retail both Bioslife and Bioslife Slim in 26 countries and I am looking for 2 to 3 committed and dedicated people in each country, who would like to be a Franchisee and Franchisor of these safe, patented, natural and clinically-proven wellness products from Unicity International, USA.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 tips for reducing women's risk of heart disease

Here’s a fact that you may not have known: 1 out of every 3 women die of heart disease.

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death around the nation, killing more people than all other causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. In fact, women are up to 6 times as likely to die from heart disease as breast cancer.

The most common symptom of a heart attack is always some sort of pain, pressure or discomfort felt in the chest. However, a woman with a high-risk of heart disease, the “most common symptom” is not always the most prominent symptom.

Symptoms more specific to women, are:
* Shortness of Breath
* Nausea or vomiting
* Sweating
* Unusual Fatigue
* Dizziness
* Discomfort in the neck, shoulder, upper back or abdominal region

Traditional heart disease risk factors specifically playing a bigger role in women are metabolic syndrome, mental stress and depression, smoking, and low levels of estrogen. If you experience any of the symptoms or are at high risk, call for emergency help immediately. Do not drive to the hospital on your own!

So what can a woman do to reduce their risk of heart disease? Here are 5 quick tips:

1. Stay aware
Always stay aware of your symptoms and risk factors, and always be prepared by knowing what hospitals are around you, and which hospital your insurance allows.

2. Talk with your doctor
Keeping an open communication with your hospital or family physician is important. Schedule an appointment with your physician to better understand your own personal heart disease risk.

3. Quit Smoking
Smoking is more damaging to the body in women than in men. Not only does it increase your risk of heart disease, it also brings many more risks along with it. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the country, yet 140,000 women die from smoking relatd causes each year.

4. Exercise
Staying out of the hospital can become more of a reality if you exercise 3 to 5 times a week. Studies have shown that proper exercising and physicial activity can significantly lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. Walking 10 minutes daily rather than back breaking exercise once or twice a week has greater health benefits.

5. Diet properly
Obesity is a major cause of heart disease. Work with a nutrition or ask your physician about how to eat for a healthier heart.

An excellent way is to take your Bioslife Slim twice a day. Each serving of Bioslife Slim contains 3 grams of 5 different soluble and insoluble fibers from Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Gum Arabic,apple pectin and oats, Sunflower and Soyabean Phytosterols, Sugarcane Policosanol and chrysanthemum morifolium

Bioslife Slim can burn off your body fat, reduce your triglycerides and homocystein levels, increase your good HDL cholesterol, reduce your bad LDL cholesterol, and maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels within 8 weeks.

If you do not know your cholesterol or blood sugar numbers yet, please go get a blood test immediately, as this is the first line of defence against heart disease and stroke. Some people know they are already at risk due to diet and lifestyle, so they just get on to the Bioslife Slim just for the shaping benefits too.

Get Slim and take your Bioslife Slim today!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Beer Belly, Flabby Tummy, Love Handles, Shapeless

Oh the joys and pains of growing old and living a stressed up life in the city, chasing the almighty dollar, and landing up with a beer belly, flabby tummy, love handles and shapelessness!.

Some pay thousands to join a gym, or get a personal sadistic slave driver, only to spend sweat, tears and frustration and not get the desired results. Others pay RM1,699 for 25 power tunny sculpting sessions with little long term success.

If you are like following the crowd, the get what the crowd gets - a bigger and bigger belly!.

Or be smart and take the 90 day Bioslife Slim Challenge and lose the stored fat using the latest Scientific breakthrough in fat loss - without dieting, starving, food cravings, stimulants, calorie reduction or really boring meal replacements.

If you also are concerned with your cholesterol profile, blood sugar levels or blood pressure levels, then do a before and after blood test before using Bioslife or Bioslife Slim and see the results yourself.

Bioslife Slim is an all natural patented, and clinically proven orange drink, that is listed in the Physicians Desk Reference 2010 and recommended by Doctors and Pharmacists in USA.

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