Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bioslife Slim 4-4-12 rule confirmed in Obesity journal

Another study has just been published that confirms what we’ve been saying all along: the 4 – 4 – 12 Rule works!

The findings of a twelve-week study conducted by Heather J. Leidy, PhD, an assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri, Columbia, can be found in this month’s research journal Obesity.

Twenty-seven overweight or obese men were put on a restrictive diet. Some were put on a high-protein diet; the others were on a normal-protein diet for three months. At about the halfway point, some of the men were allowed to eat only three meals a day and the others were allowed to eat six meals per day. After three days of three meals a day or six meals a day, the men had to report how hungry they felt and how full they felt—every hour of the day!

The high-protein group reported that they felt fuller all day. In addition, the high-protein group experienced less late-night hunger. What’s more, those that ate only three meals a day said they felt fuller and less hungry in the evening and late at night.

Data indicated that consuming more protein at mealtime and not increasing the frequency of meals was key to feeling satisfied while losing weight!

Nothing works better than our Bios Life Slim’s One Product, One Rule philosophy. I hope you’re still promoting it. And I still can’t find a better high-protein meal replacement than our Lean Complete meal replacement shakes!

To try them today, call me at +6 012 2837979 or email me at

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