Monday, March 26, 2012

Type 1 Diabetes natural option with Bioslife C or Bioslife Slim

Here are some FAQs about Bioslife C and Bioslife Slim from Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, India, Philippines and Thailand.

1. What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that, over time, forms a plaque on the inside of the artery. For most people there are no signs or symptoms that this plaque is building up, which is why it is called the silent killer.

2. What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles. (ADA)

3. Does Bios Life aid in the assistance of weight loss?

Bios Life does aid in the assistance of weight loss. Typically, the feeling of fullness results in lower food consumption.

4. I am a type 1 diabetic and I am on an insulin pump. Does Bios Life help stabilize blood sugar.

Bios Life is very efficient in controlling diabetes. If you have diabetes, take Bios Life Complete three times a day instead of two to get the necessary fiber needed to help stabilizes the glucose levels in the blood. Bios Life balances the carbohydrate absorption from your food. Bios Life is equally effective for type1 diabetics as it is for type 2.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine May 11, 2000, "A high intake of dietary fiber (50mgs), particularly of the soluble type, improves glycemic control, decreases hyperinsulinemia and lowers plasma lipid concentrations in patients with Type 2 diabetes".

5. Is Bios Life effective against FH (familial hypercholesterolemia)?

Cholesterol comes from two main sources. One is diet and the other is the body’s own production of cholesterol in the liver. That last portion accounts for 75% of the cholesterol pool. Diet is therefore important, but not as important as our own production.

Some people have a genetic difference in cholesterol synthesis called FH (familial hypercholesterolemia), and thus have a higher cholesterol level regardless of their diet.

Bios Life is effective for this type of individual as well, since it combines four different mechanisms of lowering cholesterol.

6. Is Bios Life effective in the treatment of hyperhomocystinemia?

Hyperhomocystinemia is a cardiac risk factor. Studies have shown that Bios Life is effective at lowering Homocysteine.

7. Can children take Bios Life?

Fiber is good for any age group. It regulates cholesterol and the digestive system. More kids have a problem with cholesterol now than in the past. Children, starting from 12 years of age, can take Bios Life. Begin with only one serving a day until the system adjusts.

8. Are there any known side effects, to the kidneys, liver, etc., in taking Bios Life?

None. Our studies included complete liver metabolic panels which showed no changes in the standard parameters that would indicate damage to these organs.

9. Why is Bios Life a drink mix and not in tablet form?

With tablets or capsules you would need to take 7-8 per serving to get the amount of needed ingredients in one serving of Bios Life. More importantly, Bios Life works because it forms a large gel matrix when it dissolves in water together with the calcium salt in it. A tablet would be too condensed and would not form the necessary gel matrix.

10. Do more scoops or packets of Bios Life per day cause a faster and more substantial change in LDL and HDL levels?

Yes, we know that more is better. More fiber better stabilizes your cholesterol. Our published results reflect the prescribed directions on our packaging. Following those same directions should deliver similar results. Using more would provide better results.

11. What is the daily dose of Bios Life? Is one packet a day sufficient to maintain already good cholesterol levels?

Two packets or servings of Bios Life a day provides the optimal level of performance. Regardless of your current cholesterol levels, the additional benefits of Bios Life are important for everyone. In addition to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, the fiber in Bios Life also improved immune levels and digestive tracts.

12. When it is suggested that Bios Life is to be taken before a meal does the size of the meal matter?

Not that much. Typically the bigger the meal the more cholesterol you will have in your system which requires more cholesterol for Bios Life to absorb.

13. How long should you wait after taking Bios Life to take other supplements?

This also holds true for other medications: With 95% to 98% of ingredients we take into our bodies, there will be no interaction, but it slows down the system, so that the absorption will be slower but the total amount of vitamins, minerals and other medications absorbed will still be the same. With most vitamins there is still absorption from the fiber matrix into the blood. The fiber bonds with the minerals and increases the absorbability. For medications the box says 1 hour before and 4 hours after. Always consult your physician if you have any concerns regarding your specific medication needs.

14. Is Bios Life as effective if mixed with carbonated drinks like diet sodas?

As long as one does not mix Bios Life with warm water, it is ok. Carbonated water or soda pop does not interfere with the mechanisms. Should you heat the product, the phytonutrients present in the product may be destroyed which will limit the effectiveness of the product.

15. Is the glycemic index of Bios Life?

This has never been measured, but since the glycemic index (GI) determines the effect a product has on the glucose levels in the blood, we can safely assume that the GI for Bios Life is very low, if not zero. Fibers are the only carbohydrates in the product, but they are not digested or absorbed into the blood stream.

16. Is Bios Life dangerous for people with liver diseases such as, Hepatitis B or Sclerosis of the liver?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and Sclerosis is from alcohol consumption. Bio Life will not improve those diseases but it will not make them worse either.

17. What is the percent or mg amount of policosanol and what is the breakdown of the phytosterols in Bios Life?

Bios Life contains 6 mg of policosanol and 1 gram of phytosterols (including beta sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol) per serving.

18. Does Bios Life have a form of H&G collate similar inhibitors that are the basis of statins? Does Unicity research show potential liver effects in patients that are already using statin medications?

The policosanol in Bios Life works similarly to statisn but they are not the same thing. Statins bind in the cavity of the enzyme to prevent it from working and policosanol binds on the outside so the side effects are not present with policosanol. With statins, after 12 weeks, certain proteins are being made by the liver that indicates the damage that is occurring. Unicity checked liver parameters in a study in Guam, we looked at base line liver parameters and after 6-12 weeks nothing indicated the liver was effected in any way.

19. Does policosanol have similar effects as statins?

No. They are similar mechanisms but very different. Statins bind to an enzyme that is responsible for synthesizing an intermediate molecule in the cholesterol pathway. Policosanols work in a very different way and does not have the side effects that statins have. With statins, the liver starts to synthesize certain enzymes that indicate liver damage while policosinols do not.

20. If the policosanol in Bios Life lowers cholesterol in a similar way to statin drugs, does that mean it will inhibit the Co-A Reductase enzyme thereby suppressing the production of cholesterol and give rise to liver damage and Muscular Myopathy?

The fact that statin drugs suppress that enzyme is not the reason they cause damage to the liver. It is probably the cleanup of the statins by the liver that causes these problems. Policosanol works the same, but does not exert the damage to the liver as statins do, as proven by a number of studies, including our own with Bios Life.

21. Is the policosanol in Bios Life safe to use for someone who has confirmed statin problems including elevated liver enzymes and muscle problems?

The policosanol in Bios Life lowers cholesterol in a similar way as statin medications. A number of studies indicate policosanol had no effect on liver enzymes or other metabolic panel parameters after 12 weeks of use.

22. What is the potassium level in Bios Life? Is this product safe to use for patients with a kidney problem?

The amount of potassium in Bios Life is from the naturally occurring whole food product found in Bios Life and therefore should be very nominal levels, below the 2% daily value. We do not add any additional potassium to the blend.

23. How much chromium is in Bios Life and how much is considered toxic?

According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the maximum level for chromium is 1000 mcg. There is 55 mcg per serving in Bios Life.

24. Is niacin or niacinamide used in Bios Life?

Bios Life contains niacinamide, however both forms are labeled identically, according to US food law.

25. Bios Life has two mg of cholesterol listed on the nutrition facts label which ingredient does this come from?

Bios Life is a food. That is why we must include nutritional facts on the label. The phytosterols in the product, which amounts to 1 gram per serving and 2 grams per daily dose, contains a minute amount of cholesterol. In fact, the 2 mg amount is 2% of daily intake of cholesterol. But, don’t worry, the amount is so insignificant that it will not have any negative effect on your total cholesterol levels and the other ingredients in Bios Life will counteract your high cholesterol levels.

26. What is sucralose?

Sucralose is a non-caloric sweetener used in many products around the world. Sweeteners like sugar or fructose are unacceptable for many of our clients. However, we do have a non-sweetened, non-flavored form you can mix with any drink, such as juice, to make your personal favorite drink.

Here you have it, all your frequently asked questions on Bioslife C and Bioslife Slim.

Invest in your good health today. Email or call me at +6 012 2837979 to protect your heart, liver, kidneys and brain and that of your loved ones.

Without Bioslife, there is no life.

Monday, March 12, 2012

1 in 4 women die of heart failure - NST 4th march 2012

Women are in greater danger of dying from a heart attack than men as they do not show the classic symptoms of heart failure. In conjunction with International Women’s Day on Thursday, the Women’s Heart Health Organisation is embarking on a nationwide education and awareness programme, writes P. Selvarani

WHEN 58-year-old Rita (not her real name) experienced episodes of gastric pain and chest fullness, she put it down to the effects of ageing and did not give it much thought.

When the problem persisted, she went to see a general practitioner who prescribed her gastric medication.

One night after a bad episode of "gastritis", Rita, who has a family history of heart disease and has high blood pressure, took her gastric medication and went to bed.

She never woke up. She died of a heart attack in her sleep.

Scary as it sounds, many women, especially those in the post menopausal age, have no inkling that they could be suffering from cardiovascular diseases as unlike men, they rarely display the classic symptoms of a heart attack such as chest pain.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is now the main cause of medically-certified deaths among Malaysian women, with one in four dying of heart failure.

Deaths from CVD is 21/2 times more common than that of all cancers combined and this has been the trend in Malaysia since 1999.

"Often, the symptoms are very atypical. Very few have the classic chest pain. Instead, they usually come in with shoulder pain or stomach pain which may be mistaken for gastritis. Sometimes they just come feeling tired or short of breath. Because of this, they are often misdiagnosed by healthcare professionals," said cardiologist Dr Jeyamalar Rajadurai.

She said because they often mistook these symptoms for the effects of menopause and because of the lack of the classic heart attack symptoms, women tend to come in with fatal heart failure.

The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006 revealed that more women die from heart disease than they do from stroke but many are ignorant of this fact.

Dr Jeyamalar, who is the secretary of the Women's Heart Health Organisation, an organisation under the National Heart Association, said a survey that was conducted last year among 5,195 professionals and office workers in Malaysia (71 per cent female) revealed that most were unaware that CVD was the main cause of death for women in Malaysia.

"Some 68 per cent said the main cause was cancer. Only 25 per cent of women were aware that heart disease and stroke occurs in women.

"Some 57 per cent said it never occurs in women and only 14 per cent were aware that CVD can occur even in younger women, that is, before menopause."

She said women tend to have heart diseases about 10 years after menopause although it could also occur before they reach menopause especially among those who were genetically predisposed to the condition.

Menopausal women tend to suddenly put on weight, have increased blood pressure and high sugar levels all of which are risk factors for CVD.

Dr Jeyamalar said women who have symptoms like stomach pain which is associated with sweating or they feel unduly tired or short of breath, especially if they have diabetes or a family history of heart disease, should at least get an ECG done to determine the cause.

"The problem is that a lot of times when it is mild, they think it's nothing. They attribute it to angin (bloatedness and wind), and then they go on and by the time they finally get it, it's already so bad."

Many women, she added, are also in denial and would not make an attempt to get themselves checked even when they know that they could be at risk.

"They think they are superwomen."

She said sometimes financial constraints also prevented these women from seeking treatment.

"This is especially so among older women who are dependent on their children to take them to hospital or get their medication for them. So because of that they just keep quiet.

She said because symptoms of a heart attack are vague in women, they should take appropriate preventive steps such as living a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

"And if you have a family history of CVD and are at risk, get your blood pressure, sugar level and cholesterol checked regularly."

Read more: 1 in 4 women die of heart failure - General - New Straits Times

If you love your mother, sister, wife, cousin and daughter, then invest in Bioslife C or Bioslife Slim to protect their heart and keep them healthy.

Email or call Kraal at +6 0122837979 today.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I’m writing this with mixed emotions. I have been truly blessed to have had Unicity in my life, but that didn’t make it any less difficult when my Transformation came to a close.

I am, of course, so happy with the results I have had with Bios Life Slim and the Make Life Better Transformation.

Because of the teachings of nutrition and commitment, and my coach’s kind words of encouragement always in my heart, I will continue on my journey to ideal health and weight management. There is no going back to the life that once was full of encumbrances and limitations! My coach was always there for me with answers to my questions and always had the right thing to say at the right time!

It’s difficult to be brief when sharing my thoughts about the Transformation experience. I can tell you one of the greatest rewards has been that my own success has made those around me want to try Bios Life Slim. I want to continue inspiring others to use Bios Life Slim and make their life better!

Personally, the Transformation has given me a life without limitations. Those 13 weeks were full of surprises and brought a new meaning to being “comfortable in my own skin.”

Whether it was the elated feeling of being able to ice skate easily again or the unbelievable feeling of going through my closet each week and slipping into new sizes, the results I was seeing were overwhelming. The most surprising thing to me was I was able to get my hunger under control; hunger became a thing of the past and many times I had to ask myself: “Did I forget something? Did I cheat?”

The truth was, Bios Life Slim was working! My body had indeed become a fat-burning machine.

Those memorable moments of being told I was melting away by my husband John, or my 15-year-old old son not recognizing me on the street, will never be forgotten!

Thank you Unicity and the Make Life Better Transformation for making my life better!

To invest in a new body and transform your life email me at or call Kraal at +6 0122837979 today.

Monday, March 5, 2012

FDA issues warning on side-effects of Statin Drugs

The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday Feb 28, 2012 raised safety concerns about the popular class of cholesterol-fighting drugs called statins, warning that patients taking the drugs may face a "small increased risk" of higher blood sugar levels and of being diagnosed with diabetes.

The federal safety agency said Tuesday it plans to add the diabetes-risk language to the "warnings and precautions" sections of labeling for the statin drugs. The drugs that will get the warning include top-selling brand names such as Lipitor, Lescol, Pravachol, Crestor, Mevacor, Altoprev, Livalo and Zocor. Under these and a range of generic names, the drugs have been taken for years by tens of millions of people to prevent heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

The largest manufacturers of statins didn't have immediate comments on the FDA's action.

In addition, the FDA said that labels for statin drugs now will contain information about patients experiencing memory loss and confusion, though this side effect was classified as an "adverse reaction" rather than being put in the more serious warnings and precautions category.

Dr. Amy Egan, the FDA's deputy director for safety of metabolic and endocrinological products, said "these cognitive changes can be quite dramatic" and "sustained," but that they do disappear when statin therapy is stopped. She cautioned that the agency isn't able to identify a specific drug or age group of people who might be prone to such cases of memory loss and confusion, but that patients should notify their doctors if such symptoms occur.

Click here to read more from The Wall Street Journal.

Read more:

If you are on statins now and looking for a safe, natural alternative to manage healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels, then please consider Bioslife C and Bioslife Slim.

Bioslife is the only safe, patented, clinically proven fibre drink, listed in the Physician's Desk Reference - a reference book used by 95% of all Doctors and Pharmacists in USA to recommend products to their patients.

Email me at or call Kraal at +6 012 2837979 to order Bioslife today.

Hypertension, Fatty Liver, Sleep Apnea and Bioslife Slim

Bioslife C and Bioslife Slim are food based formulations - meaning look at the ingredients -

5 different plant fibres
2 different plant oils
vitamin b complex

Can you take this in your diet?. if so then Bioslife is clinically proven to help solve not only your hypertension, but also help maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Fatty liver

Can be 2 causes - alcohol related or just plan too much fat in the liver.

Bioslife Slim can reduce the visceral and stored fat under the skin and also in the liver.

sleep apnea

mostly caused by the body not getting enough oxygen to the cells. this is most likely caused by the fatty liver not functioning well and cannot remove the toxins from the blood. the blood is dirty and cannot carry the oxygen from the
lungs to different cells in the body including the brain.

another cause is of course excess fat surrounding the lungs, causing the lungs not to function properly expecially when lying down to sleep.

for the fatty liver and sleep apnea, you can recommend Chlorophyll to clean the blood and liver and to oxygenate the body, and of course if the person has some excess fat, Bioslife Slim.

Bioslife Slim and Chlorophyll can certainly help your friend solve all the 3 issues in 2-3 months.

Some people suffer in silence, while others look for a safe solution to their health challenges. Our diet and lifestyle causes these issues, and certainly taking the right supplement/s can help the body function better and make it work well again.

To order your Bioslife C, Bioslife Slim and Chlorophyll powder, email or call kraal at +6 012 2837979.

Helping one person at a time, Make life Better by Looking Better, Feeling Better and Living Better.

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