Monday, September 17, 2012

Make a choice to take a chance to make a change with Bioslife Slim

Given a choice to a healthier, leaner and beautiful physique.

Are you willing to give it a try?
It's never too late to start..make this happen.
Look better, feel better and live better starts today!!!

To burn off your belly fat, without starving, dieting, meal replacements, stimulants, food cravings or being hungry all the time, in Malaysia please call Kraal at 012-2837979 or for Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Thailand please email

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bioslife Slim made Pamela happier and more confident

Shared by Pamela :)

Terima kasih Bios Life Slim yang telah membuat saya menjadi lebih cantik dan percaya diri! Sekarang saya tidak harus lagi menyembunyikan wajah chubby saya dengan rambut yang dikedepankan. :)

Thanks to Bios Life Slim for making me prettier and have more confidence for myself! Now i don't need to have my hair to cover my previously chubby face anymore! ;)   To regain your beauty, youth and confidence, in Malaysia call Kraal at 0122837979 or for Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, India, Philippines and Thailand email

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bioslife Slim sharing from Nana struggling with fat loss after pregnancy

Bioslife Slim Sharing from Nana...

I was 65kg before pregnancy. Then ballooned up to 90kg during pregnancy. After birth, I was 80kg.

I started on Bioslife Slim together with the Clearstart30 cleansing pack on 25 march.

2 months later, I lost 3kg, but more importantly my waist dropped from 40 inches to 35 inches and my hips from 48 inches to 43 inches.

I love to eat and Bioslife Slim has helped me curb my appetite, while still being able to eat my rojak, pratha and everything else.

Bioslife Slim is not a meal replacement but a fiber drink that really helps in my overeating and fast inches loss.

To regain your figure from your teens, and your confidence and life back, get Bioslife Slim in Malaysia by calling Kraal at 0122837979 or in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Thailand by emailing

Monday, September 10, 2012

Eve shares her delight in losing 25lb fat and inches

Sharing from Eve Eschner

I'm Eve Eschner Hogan, best known for my work as a relationship specialist, author, labyrinth facilitator and wedding officiant. The focus of my work has been on mental, emotional and spiritual health, but I've created this website for a slightly different, but related purpose—physical health.

I have struggled for the last 10 years with weight. I have managed to gain over 30 pounds since I got married 18 years ago, and while exercise and paying attention to what I eat certainly help, I have not been able to lose more than a few pounds strictly through exercise and diet. In addition, my cholesterol has hereditarily been really high. We all know the impact that body image and weight can have on relationships, mine being no exception.

When a chiropractor friend of mine suggested I try Bios Life Slim, I was seriously skeptical. I have tried a few other weight loss products and NONE of them worked, or they weren't good for you. I no longer believed that I would ever lose the weight. He assured me that it worked, that the ingredients were healthy, that there were no stimulants, that it was in the Physicians Desk Reference Manual and that it was proven to balance blood sugar and lower cholesterol. I was still unimpressed as it was an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and I personally have never had success with those either, nor was that my goal.

However, I trusted the Chiropractor's recommendation, and also had an intuitive nudging (AKA HOPE!) that this stuff would actually work. So, after almost 6 weeks of postponing the decision, I finally decided to try it. I started May 1, 2010.

THIS IS NOT A MEAL REPLACEMENT! I eat "in relationship" with other people so having "real food" was a priority for me.

For the first two weeks on BIOSLIFE SLIM, I could tell I wasn't as hungry and my clothes fit a little better, but ultimately the scale didn't budge. THEN I GOT MAD. I was SURE I gotten ripped off AGAIN, but I had spent the money, so I went ahead and kept taking the BIOSLIFE SLIM before each meal. I didn't tell anyone in my family what I was doing. If they asked, I said it was for my cholesterol (which was true, but not the real reason I was taking it.) I didn't want to experience the public failure of another weight loss attempt. But then, after watching the video and suddenly understanding the physiology of the body's insulin/blood sugar relationship to fat burning I got with the program and around week 3, I suddenly lost a couple of pounds, and then another and another and after I lost 10 pounds in approx. 10 weeks, my friends and family started to notice.

WEIGHT LOSS UPDATE: NOW, I have lost 17 pounds in 16 weeks! (as of 8/19/10) I average a pound a week GONE! My goal is to get back to "wedding weight." I have 13 pounds to go!

WEIGHT LOSS UPDATE: (as of 10/22/10) I have now lost 25 pounds since May 1!
Are you looking to transform your life and looks?. In Malaysia call Kraal at 0122837979 or in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, India or Thailand - email and let's work together to see if Bioslife Slim could help you make your life better.

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