Monday, May 7, 2007

When's the best time to improve your cholesterol levels?

High Cholesterol Proven to be Risk Factor for Stroke and Heart Disease

When’s the Best Time to Improve Your Cholesterol Levels?

When taken 10 minutes before eating, Bios Life goes to work improving your cholesterol levels four different ways.

It’s a Fact : Cardiovascular Disease is Devastating Today alone, cardiovascular disease will kill 3,500 Americans. That’s at a rate of more than two deaths a minute. However, cardiovascular disease isn’t unique to the United States alone—similar and growing mortality rates are reported in almost every country in the world.

That makes cardiovascular disease the fastest growing pandemic in the world. And that’s a big problem.

What’s Amazing is that Cardiovascular Disease is 80% Preventable! Most deaths caused by cardiovascular disease could have been prevented just by drinking a revolutionary, scientifically developed supplement called Bios Life, 10 minutes before each meal.

But before we tell you more about this innovative supplement, let’s take a closer look at why improving your cholesterol levels can help you avoid cardiovascular disease.

The Cholesterol–Cardiovascular Disease Connection

One of the most effective ways to determine the health of your cardiovascular system is to have your cholesterol levels checked. As a general rule, low HDL good cholesterol and high bad LDL cholesterol in your body, means you have a higher risk of developing stroke & cardiovascular disease.

Why is this important? Because health officials estimate that roughly 50 percent of all adults have unhealthy levels of cholesterol, and that 42 million adults have dangerously unhealthy levels—and you could be one of them without even knowing.

Simply put: Improve your cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy blood pressure level, and you’ll lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The Weakness of the Traditional Approach to Controlling Cholesterol

For the past decade, the medical community has treated the problem of managing cholesterol by prescribing statin drugs. Statin drugs work in the liver—causing it to produce less cholesterol. Statin drugs can be credited with saving lives from heart disease, but also causing fatal liver damage in the process.

However, nutritional science has made significant advances in the past few years—uncovering three additional approaches to improving cholesterol levels!

The combination of these four safe and natural approaches to improve cholesterol levels, has been patented, and is available for you today in a safe and effective non-prescription form.

Only Bios Life Improves Cholesterol Levels Four Ways

When taken 10 minutes before eating, Bios Life’s patented, unique combination approach improves your cholesterol levels in 4 different ways:

1. Trapping and eliminating the cholesterol in your bile acid
2. Preventing your body from absorbing cholesterol from the food you’re eating
3. Decreasing the amount of cholesterol manufactured by your liver
4. Boosting the enzymatic breakdown and removal of cholesterol

Clinical Results Show Just How Effective Bios Life is, at Improving Cholesterol Levels. In clinical studies, Bios Life was proven to lower LDL cholesterol by an astounding 31%. Some participants reported decreases of more than 52%!

What’s equally amazing is that the average increase of HDL cholesterol was 29%, with some achieving increases of up to 85%! Keep in mind that statin drugs have little or no effect on good cholesterol. And raising your good HDL is the key to lowering your risk.

Your results may be dramatically enhanced if you take Bios Life, in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

What’s more, if you’re already treating your cholesterol levels with prescription statins, Bios Life will help you reduce your LDL cholesterol even further and raise your HDL even more.

In addition to improving LDL and HDL levels, Bios Life lowers triglycerides—the form in which most fat exists in food, as well as in your body and blood. Bios Life has also proven to stabilize blood sugar levels. No other supplement is more comprehensive for treating your entire lipid profile than Bios Life.

And one more thing—Bios Life’s two side effects are gas and weight loss!

10 Minutes Before Each Meal IS the Best Time to Improve Your Cholesterol Levels.

By taking Bios Life 10 minutes before each meal your daily cholesterol levels will improve and the dangerous build-up of cholesterol in your body can be slowed, stopped, and even reversed. After all, if you improve the levels of cholesterol in your body, you’ll lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

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