Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Critical age when women's risk exceed men

Critical age when women's risk, exceed men's

(Red bars indicate Males and Green bars indicate Females)
Below the age of 45, men have a higher risk oc CardioVascular Disease (CVD).
But from ages 45-54, women have the same CVD risk as men, due to hormonal changes during the premenopause and menopause phases.
From age 55 -75+, women have recorded a higher risk of CVD then men.
Surprised by these results?. Don't be, as it happens in most families today. My grandma had a stroke at 58 and my mum had a first and fatal heart attack at 71.
Please if you are a lady, think of your children and do your blood test today, before you become another sad statistic. Remember also to take your sisters, mother and aunts to get their blood tests done.

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