Thursday, March 15, 2007

Only 4 types of people will read this

  1. Those of you who already know you have a cholesterol problem and are using some statin drugs – contributing to the US$ 30 billion statin drug industry in 2007 or
  2. Those of you who already know you have a problem, but have yet to start on your statin drugs or belong to the 90% of those who have stopped using statin drugs because of the severe side effects or
  3. Those of you who know you have a high risk, due to your age (above 35 male or 45 female) sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits and stress at work and at home or
  4. Those who have no clue what their cholesterol levels are, and are a walking time bomb – waiting for the first and often fatal sign.

I am sure you are like most people, we only go to the doctor when we don’t feel well – not when we feel ok. Little aches and pains are dismissed as signs of aging, and not a warning sign that something is not right and the body’s warning bells and lights are tell you so.

Do your spouse, your parents and your siblings a favour, because you love your kids. Get them to go for their blood test every 6 months especially if they smoke or are obese, diabetic, stressed or eat oily food with less than 8 servings of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables daily

BiosLife is clinically proven to work. Are you ready to take the 90 day Bioslife Challenge, because you want to prove it works for you?

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