Monday, March 12, 2007

What the numbers mean

Congratulations on taking the first step on protecting
your heart health and getting your blood test done!

Here's what the actual results mean, according to the
latest guidelines of the American Heart Association.

There are 5 numbers, that you should be concerned about:

1. Total Blood Cholesterol Level

Healthy.......... less 5.18 mmol/L........ 200mg/dl
Borderline...... 5.18 to 6.19 mmol/L... 200 - 239 mg/dl
High Risk........ more 6.21 mmol/L..... 240 mg/dl

2. HDL Cholesterol - the most important risk factor!

The good cholesterol that clears up the bad LDL cholesterol.
Every 1% increase in HDL, reduces your risk of Heart Attack
and Stroke by 3%. Statin drugs cannot increase HDL levels!

Borderline - men...... more 1.0 mmol/L...... 40 mg/dl
Borderline - women.. more 1.2 mmol/L..... 50 mg/dl

3. Triclyceride level

Level of fats in your blood that can clog up your arteries

Healthy..................... less 1.7 mmol/L....... 150 mg/dl
Moderate Risk............ 1.7 - 2.3 mmol/L......150 - 199 mg/dl
High Risk................... 2.3 - 5.6 mmol/L..... 200 - 499 mg/dl
Extreme High Risk...... more 5.6 mmol/L.... 500 mg/dl

4. LDL Cholesterol

Every 1% drop in LDL reduces your risk of Heart Attack
and Stroke by 2%

Optimal.................... less 2.6 mmol/L.... 100 mg/dl
Healthy.................... 2.6 - 3.2 mmol/L... 101 - 129 mg/dl
Low Risk.................. 3.3 - 4.0 mmol/L... 130 - 159 mg/dl
High Risk................. 4.1 - 4.8 mmol/L.... 160 - 189 mg/dl
Extreme High Risk.... more 4.9 mmol/L... 190 mg/dl

5. Cholesterol Ratio

This ratio is the Total Cholesterol divided by the HDL
cholesterol. The 2 best approaches to lower this ratio
is to increase HDL at the same time lower your LDL.

Healthy..................... 3.5:1
Borderline................. 5.0:1
Extreme High Risk..... above 5.1:1

Statin drugs can reduce LDL, but cannot increase HDL levels.

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