Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Your One and Only Heart!

Your One and Only Heart!

Heart Facts

Your heart is the size of your clenched fist and weighs about 350 to 450 grams.. It pumps about 80 cc of blood per heart beat. With an
average heart beat of 70 per minute, the heart pumps 8 thousand liters of blood daily.

Here are the main components of your heart, how you can protect it and your natural solutions should you fail to take early prevention.


The main artery that receives blood from the left side of the heart and circulate it through the rest of the body. The blood in aorta is rich in oxygen and will appear bright red.


This artery carries blood from right side of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. As the blood passes through small blood vessels in the lungs, it will take up oxygen. Cleanse your blood cells by detoxing your liver twice a year with Red Clover Pus - a unique formulation of 14 herbs. http://www.usa.makelifebetter.com/systems/profile/profile_17174.pdf


These are small arteries running on the surface of the heart, supplying the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients. There are usually three main coronary arteries supplying the heart.

The many risk factors for coronary artery disease are:
High blood pressure
Diabetes mellitus
Family history
But the Major risk factor is High LDL and Low HDL cholesterol levels

Keep your arteries clean of plaque buildup, hardening and or narrowing of your arteries, by lowering your LDL and increasing your HDL. BiosLife - Listed in the Physicians Desk Reference 2006, will lower your LDL and raise your HDL. http://usa.makelifebetter.com/systems/profile/BLC_PdtProfile.pdf


Also called myocytes. These muscle cells pumps blood in and out of the heart during its contraction. If the oxygen and nutrient supply is cut, the muscles weaken, you tire easily and feel weak. And when these muscles die, you suffer a heart attack - sometimes first and fatal.

There is no know drug to regenerate weak or dead heart muscles, except a product called Cardio Essentials - Listed in the Physicians Desk Reference 2006 issue.


These veins, return poorly oxygenated blood from the body to the right side of the heart. Blood from upper parts returns via SVC (superior vena cava) and from the lower parts via IVC (inferior vena cava).


The heart has 4 cardiac valves that separate the various chambers. Acting like a door, it allows blood flow only in one direction. Due to poor lifestyle, sometimes heart valves weaken and a valve replacement surgery is recommended. Before you decide on this expensive approach, try Cardio Essentials for 2 months and you can save thousands on your surgery, not to mention the risk for complications.


Heart disease could be silent in the early stage, as women experience pains in the lower abdomen and misdiagnose it as gastritis. Do undergo a yearly physical examination and stress test, especially if you are above 45. You can visit this link for the private hospital charges:- http://www.hospitals-malaysia.org/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=2&action=view&retrieveid=384

Or you could do your cholesterol test today, use BiosLife for the next 90 days and do another blood test to very BiosLife really works!. Prevent the stress, pain and lowered quality of life, if you dont use BiosLife today!

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